Terpene Tuesday: Geraniol


Terpenes have become a defining factor in how we select our cannabis strains. While sativa and indica may still be the most common ways to select a strain, terpenes really help dial in a personalized experience. Canna-connoisseurs and enthusiasts know that terpenes play a major role in a strain’s taste, scent and overall cannabis experience – some consumers believe even more so than sativa or indica classifications, and even THC percentage. If you’re looking for a truly tailored cannabis experience, terpenes are your best friend. 


Geraniol is sweet and floral (primarily rose), and commonly found in cosmetics and perfumes. While it’s not a primary terpene, the floral notes are often leveraged to make cannabis more appealing – think heavy cheese and diesel strains, some people love them, some not so much!

Geraniol is largely just factored into the breeding process to create a more aesthetic product with more appealing sensory notes.

Geraniol naturally occurs in geraniums (hence the name), and can also be found in roses, lemongrass, blueberries, lemons peels, and carrots, among other plants. Strains with geraniol can have a fruity, floral, sweet, and citrusy profile.

Effects and applications

Along with many terpenes, geraniol is a whole lot of “anti”:

  • anti-inflammatory

  • anti-fungal

  • anti-viral

  • anti-bacterial

  • antioxidant

  • anti-neuropathic

One article notes the following additional benefits: Antimicrobial, antiseptic, tonifying, balancing, spasmolytic and anaesthetic. It is important to note though, that since this isn’t a common or dominant terpene, the extent to which these effects are present can be minimal.

Cannabis strains that are rich in linalool, which is another major terpene, are usually also high in geraniol. Keep your eyes peeled for this rare terpene for a unique, delicately floral and aromatic cannabis experience.


17th Avenue Community Feature


Terpene Tuesday: Phellandrene